Friday 29 April 2011

Blogging Against Disablism Day

It's the Sixth Annual Blogging Against Disablism Day on Sunday (see here), and we're operating in a target-rich environment given the way the government and Civil Service are behaving at the moment. Several of us here at WTB are hoping to have pieces ready for the day - I'm just lying down to write mine - but BADD is open to participation from all and, like I said, it's a sadly target-rich environment right now. Contributions don't have to be about the political environment, they can be about the way disablism strikes you in your daily life, but the more who contribute, the more we can get the message out that Disablism, whether political or personal, is simply not acceptable. So if you're a blogger, not even necessarily a disabled blogger, and you have seen the disablism out there, then I urge you to consider joining in.

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